Oak Tree
Mansfield is a busy market town situated in the Maun Valley area, 12 miles north of Nottingham. The population is approximately 107,000 living mainly in the Town and Mansfield Woodhouse, with Warsop as a secondary centre. Mansfield has a vibrant night time economy.
Mansfield Town Centre with its busy market square, varied shops and licensed premises attracts a vibrant mix of our communities day and night. The local Neighbourhood Policing Inspector is Kylie Davies who commands the Mansfield district. There are three neighbourhood teams, Mansfield town Centre, Mansfield North and Mansfield South working a rotating shift pattern so there will always be a local neighbourhood team to Mansfield available each day and evening. Each local team is led by a Sergeant and made up of Police Constables and PCSOs based in your area, supported by additional officers from the wider area.
We work closely with local authorities, community leaders and residents to decide our policing priorities for the area This helps us to find useful, long-term solutions to local problems, while maintaining our wider focus on reducing crime across the Mansfield district.
Please find contact details for your Neighbourhood Team provided below. Please note that to report a crime or incident to Nottinghamshire you can visit nottinghamshire.police.uk or in an emergency, please dial 999.
Did you know you can help influence local policing in your community in a number of ways. Nottinghamshire is a pilot area for Immediate Justice where; the scheme provides an opportunity for those who commit low level antisocial behaviour to compensate the community by undertaking supervised reparation activities which help to improve the environment e.g., litter picking, graffiti removal. You can report what areas you would like to see such activities here:-
Immediate Justice (immediatejusticenotts.co.uk)
We run Op Visibility every Friday and Saturday afternoon and evening across all our districts in Nottinghamshire patrolling Hotspots for anti social behaviour as identified by members of the public. You can complete our Op Visibility survey on the link below which if you tell you have witnessed a form or ASB in the past month will generate a request for you to identify where this was on a map so we can consider adding it to our patrol plans.
Please select one of the below options to start the survey. (nottsalerts.co.uk)
Mansfield South NPT

Rachel Andrews

Mia Carvell

Matt Chambers

Cyrus Crowder

Kylie Davies

James Lloyd

Lewis North

Neil Priestley

Lloyd Rickersey

Danielle Rose

Natalie Sinclair
police constable

George Twiddy
PC 4359

Joshua Vere

Ryan Ward
Local Priority Issues
When deciding on our Local Policing Priorities we take into account a wide array of information and data. We speak with partner agencies (such as various departments in Mansfield District Council, the Mansfield Association of Licensed Venues, the Business Improvement District, third sector agencies etc.), review survey data from both Notts Alert "What Matters" survey and the Office of the Police and Crime Commission survey, look at crime data and trends as well as information from members of the public passed to police and partners as intelligence or through community meetings. Local Policing Priorities are reviewed every quarter to see if they are still appropriate or whether other issues should receive more focus.
Our current priorities are:
Shop Theft - This is the highest crime type in Mansfield. We have seen a 29% reduction in Mansfield over the last 12 months and work closely with the Mansfield Business Improvement District (BID), Mansfield District Council Community Protection Team and CCTV operators as well as stores themselves and our Engagement Hub and Business Crime lead to look to effectively tackle this issue.
Vehicle Related ASB - This covers a variety of issues from use of E-Scooters on public land, illegal use of off road bikes, reports of car meets that cause noise nuisance etc.
Drug Use and Dealing - We understand that concerns around drug dealing are consistently reported highly amongst our communities regarding incidents that affect them most. Furthermore, we receive numerous reports and pieces of intelligence with regards to drug dealing out in the community as well as addresses members of the public believe are being used to deal from (often with concerns for the residents of those addresses regarding possible cuckooing) as well as addresses suspected to be cannabis grows.
These Local Priorities have rolled over from last quarter due to them still being deemed the most appropriate. Again, these priorities have been set based on a variety of sources of information. If you would like to have a say in what we focus on, please consider completing the "What Matters" survey - https://survey.nottsalerts.co.uk/Survey/GUID/504f7eca-4573-4142-b4f6-3de4b8baf6eb.
Shop Theft - What we did:
Shown a reduction in shop theft of 29% in the last 12 months. Our positive outcome rate (the number of offenders dealt with by means of charge, report for summons to court, fixed penalty notice, community resolution etc.) for Mansfield for shop theft is 33% - this is the highest in all of Nottinghamshire.
Obtained 9 Criminal Behaviour Orders for our most prolific offenders in Mansfield. Requests for these orders are put together by Neighbourhood Policing Officers and then put before the Magistrates Court to be considered and authorised. They include conditions such as banning offenders from carrying bags for life, banning them from certain stores and areas as well as positive conditions such as seeking rehabilitative treatment. Breach of a Criminal Behaviour Order is an arrestable offence and will see the offender put back before the Magistrates Court.
Conducted monthly multi-agency Days of Action (Operation Amberstag) in the Town Centre and Portland areas focusing on shop theft, street based offending and other issues in the areas.
Commitment to Retail Crime Weeks of Action as well as #ShopKind
Worked closely and collaboratively with the Mansfield BID, working jointly from their office on Regent Street along with BID officers and Mansfield District Council ASB officers.
Utilised the Town Link radios (supplied by Mansfield BID) for stores to have easier access to report issues occurring in the Town Centre to officers from Mansfield District Council (including CCTV operators), other stores, the BID and Police.
Attended BID meetings with local businesses so that we can provide information and trends to local business owners as well as receive feedback and ideas regarding issues in the town and how best to tackle them.
Increased patrols through Home Office Funding for Hotspot Patrols - Both Portland and the Town Centre are covered by Home Office funding allowing us to deploy additional officers at times when crime trend data shows offending is highest.
Working with partners in Mansfield District Council Housing and Homelessness Teams as well as Framework, Change, Grow, Live (CGL) and other third sector agencies to look to support those offending and deal with the route cause of this offending.
Vehicle Related ASB - What we did:
We have seen increased reports of anti-social behaviour involving vehicles. This priority will continue to focus on three main areas:
E-Scooters – Communications shared with schools and via our Social Media channels re: the illegality of E-Scooter use on any public land. Although the law is very straightforward about the use of e-scooters in public, there is a lot of confusion amongst the general public. They see them being used on the Continent (where they are legal) and they can freely buy them on the high street or online. Unfortunately, many people say that the fact that they cannot use them on the roads was not mentioned when they were sold them, and they are unaware of this restriction. As such, we look to deal with E-Scooter offending in line with Force Policy around the "4E's" - Engage, Explain, and Educate, with Enforcement as a last resort. We will be looking to conduct operations in key locations (Town Centre, outside schools etc.) in the coming months to more proactively deal with this issue and can and will seize illegally used E-Scooters. More advice on E-Scooters can be found here.
Vehicles in Tesco, Oak Tree Car park and other areas in the evenings and overnight - We received numerous reports from members of the public who live nearby reporting loud gatherings, engine revving, screeching tires etc. affecting their ability to sleep, have their windows open and general quality of life. Officers conducted several operations in the affected areas speaking with those involved and discussing the issues they were causing. Where appropriate, dispersal powers were used as well as notices under s.59 of the Police Reform Act 2002 which is a robust power allowing officers to seize motor vehicles which are being driven inconsiderately or carelessly on a road or other public place or without lawful authority, off road or on any road that is a footpath, bridleway or restricted byway and in such a manner as to cause, or is likely to cause alarm, distress or annoyance to members of the public. We have received less reports regarding this issue since our operations took place (and officers are in weekly contact with Tesco) but remain aware and monitor for further required operations.
Fatal Four Operations - Officers have undertaken Fatal Four Operations in key locations as requested by members of the local community. We will continue to do so going forward and results of these operations will be shared via Notts Alert (you can sign up here to keep informed). The 'fatal four' are offences prioritised by the police in the NPCC road policing strategy, to reduce the numbers of people killed and seriously injured on the roads. The fatal four offences are: Speeding, Drink and drug driving, Driving while distracted (i.e. mobile phone use) and Non-wearing of seat-belts.
Off Road Bikes – Not only in the Desert area and fields but more so in residential areas and on our roads. There is a Public Spaces Protection Order in place in the Desert also. We have produced a short video detailing the issues faced and officers efforts here.
Drug Dealing - What we did:
Officers obtained numerous Closure Orders for addresses in Mansfield linked to drug use and dealing and general criminal activity and anti-social behaviour and causing a serious nuisance to their neighbouring properties and communities. We continue to progress closure orders for several properties. We have several problem solving plans in place either focusing on general issues with dealing in areas or based on specific addresses.
Officers also work with other agencies (Mansfield District Council Housing and Homelessness Teams, PA Housing, YMCA etc.) with regards to drug dealing and issues around cuckooing and vulnerability.
Officers worked with intelligence provided and conducted over 30 warrants in Mansfield in 2024 and additionally located numerous cannabis grows whilst conducting patrols and gathering intelligence. Again, we continue to gather intelligence and are monitoring several addresses for warrant applications currently.
The positive outcome rate for drug possession offences in Mansfield is 75%, this is second only to the City Centre. in the last 12 months, Mansfield officers have dealt with 265 possession offences (as opposed to the 12 months previous whereby there were more offences (371) with a lower detection rate (66%)).
The positive outcome rate for drug trafficking offences (encompassing possession with intent to supply, concerned in supply etc.) for Mansfield is lower at 53% (100 offences investigated in the last 12 months) however, these are much more complicated investigations and is an increase in positive outcomes versus the 12 months previous (whereby 123 offences were investigated with a positive outcome rate of 47%).
What members in Oak Tree are saying are the issues in the area:
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