Retford North

Bassetlaw is a non-metropolitan district consisting of four towns; Worksop, Retford, Tuxford and Harworth Bircotes. There are 66 parishes servicing a population of over 117,000. Bassetlaw consists of rural areas and market towns.. The Bassetlaw Neighbourhood teams are led by Inspector Rob Harrison, with three teams comprising of a Sgt, PCs and PCSOs under his command.

We work closely with local authorities, community leaders and residents to decide our policing priorities for the area This helps us to find useful, long-term solutions to local problems, while maintaining our wider focus on reducing crime across the district.

Please find contact details for your Neighbourhood Team provided below. Please note that to report a crime or incident to Nottinghamshire you can visit or in an emergency, please dial 999.

Did you know you can help influence local policing in your community in a number of ways. Nottinghamshire is a pilot area for Immediate Justice where; the scheme provides an opportunity for those who commit low level antisocial behaviour to compensate the community by undertaking supervised reparation activities which help to improve the environment e.g., litter picking, graffiti removal. You can report what areas you would like to see such activities here:-  

Immediate Justice (

We run Op Visibility every Friday and Saturday afternoon and evening across all our districts in Nottinghamshire patrolling Hotspots for anti social behaviour as identified by members of the public. You can complete our Op Visibility survey on the link below which if you tell you have witnessed a form or ASB in the past month will generate a request for you to identify where this was on a map so we can consider adding it to our patrol plans.

Please select one of the below options to start the survey. (

East Bassetlaw NPT

Antonio Ciacci (Nottinghamshire Police, PCSO, Retford)

Antonio Ciacci


Hayley Crawford (Nottinghamshire Police, Inspector, Bassetlaw)

Hayley Crawford


John Dale (Nottinghamshire Police, PCSO, Harworth/East Bassetlaw)

John Dale


Bradley Dunn (Nottinghamshire, PC, Harworth)

Bradley Dunn


Karl Hagland (Police, PCSO, East Bassetlaw)

Karl Hagland


Robert Harrison (Police, Bassetlaw Neighbourhood Policing Inspector, Bassetlaw)

Robert Harrison

Bassetlaw Neighbourhood Policing Inspector


Alan Johnson


Hollie Marsh (Nottinghamshire Police, Police Constable, Ordsall, Retofrd)

Hollie Marsh

Police Constable

Oivind MERRYGOLD (Police, PC 2786, Retford, Bassetlaw NPT)

Oivind Merrygold

PC 2786

Sam Pearson (Nottinghamshire Police, Police Sergeant, East Bassetlaw Neighbourhood team)

Sam Pearson

Police Sergeant

James Pickersgill (Nottinghamshire Police, PC, Bassetlaw)

James Pickersgill


Emma Porter (Notts Police, PCSO, East Bassetlaw)

Emma Porter


Chris Putland (Police, PC, Retford Neighbourhood Policing Team - Town Centre)

Chris Putland



Chris Shaw


Lucy Stothard (Nottinghamshire Police, PCSO, Bassetlaw Rural Beat Team)

Lucy Stothard


Juliet Webber (Nottinghamshire Police, Partnerships Manager, Countywide)

Juliet Webber

Partnerships Manager

Nick WELLS (Police, PC , East Bassetlaw neighbourhood team- Harworth)

Nick Wells


Local Priority Issues

Tackling the supply of drugs in our communities and drug use

Drug dealing and supply again features high on the PCC's Crime survey. Again this is a priority for the police in Bassetlaw who frequently carry out proactive patrols in areas identified and also execute several misuse of drugs act warrants

Our road network is vast in Bassetlaw, with it comes people driving dangerously and speeding

Carry out speed checks, establish community speed watches and also police the road network

Our district borders three other force areas and attracts cross border criminals. Burglaries, theft of motor vehicles are some of the crime types we see on our area and cause great harm.

Operations to tackle crime types such as OP STAR
Additional specialist resources to police our road network and intercept those using our road network to committ offences.
Hot spot policing where we are seeing emerging issues.

What members in Retford North are saying are the issues in the area:

Latest Alerts

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We're pleased to announce our local Horsewatch Officers are here for you!

As part of our reformed Horsewatch at Notts Police we've met to discuss how we can help you as part ...

Nottinghamshire Police
31/03/2025 14:15:04

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Walk in My Shoes

Today we launch our ‘Walk in My Shoes’ campaign to tackle problem areas where women and girls feel u...

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Celebrating young people in our community

We're excited to announce that nominations are now open for the Live Our Best Lives Awards 2025! 🎉 ...

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New Wildlife Crime Officers to be trained!

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First round of Horse Handling training is complete

Our first sessions of Horse Handling Training Bransby Horses - Rescue and Welfare are now complete a...

Nottinghamshire Police
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Beat Surgery : Mon 10 Mar 17:30

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01/03/2025 12:34:59

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Reinvigorated Horse Watch scheme to help tackle equine-related crime

A reinvigorated Horse Watch scheme is aiming to prevent and reduce equine-related and rural crime - ...

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*Buyers Beware*

Online marketplaces are an attractive platform for the trade in pre-owned horseboxes states the late...

Nottinghamshire Police
18/02/2025 08:35:38

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