
The borough of Gedling has a population of 112,000, which lies to the North East of Nottingham. It is primarily an urban area, which covers the Arnold and Carlton areas, as well as some more rural communities. For the majority of his life, it was home to Lord Byron. The Gedling Neighbourhood teams are led by Inspector Heather Harding, with three teams of PCs and PCSOs under her command. These three teams are split into Gedling Central, Gedling South and Gedling North, each supervised by a Sgt.

We work closely with local authorities, community leaders and residents to decide our policing priorities for the area This helps us to find useful, long-term solutions to local problems, while maintaining our wider focus on reducing crime across the district.

Please find contact details for your Neighbourhood Team provided below. Please note that to report a crime or incident to Nottinghamshire you can visit nottinghamshire.police.uk or in an emergency, please dial 999.

Did you know you can help influence local policing in your community in a number of ways. Nottinghamshire is a pilot area for Immediate Justice where; the scheme provides an opportunity for those who commit low level antisocial behaviour to compensate the community by undertaking supervised reparation activities which help to improve the environment e.g., litter picking, graffiti removal. You can report what areas you would like to see such activities here:-  

Immediate Justice (immediatejusticenotts.co.uk)

We run Op Visibility every Friday and Saturday afternoon and evening across all our districts in Nottinghamshire patrolling Hotspots for anti social behaviour as identified by members of the public. You can complete our Op Visibility survey on the link below which if you tell you have witnessed a form or ASB in the past month will generate a request for you to identify where this was on a map so we can consider adding it to our patrol plans.

Please select one of the below options to start the survey. (nottsalerts.co.uk)

Gedling South NPT

Joshua Bradbury (Nottinghamshire Police, Constable, Gedling North)

Joshua Bradbury


Michael Callan (Police, Police Constable, Gedling North - Calverton and the Villages)

Michael Callan

Police Constable


Matt Cetti


Allan  Cooke  (Police , PCSO , Gedling South NPT )

Allan Cooke


Keith CROWHURST (Nottinghamshire Police, PCSO 4741, Carlton Beat Team)

Keith Crowhurst

PCSO 4741

Ash Dunn (Police, Constable, Gedling South)

Ash Dunn


Isabella Gabrielli (Police, PCSO 1045, JUBILEE HOUSE BEAT TEAM)

Isabella Gabrielli

PCSO 1045

Heather Harding (Nottinghamshire Police, Sergeant, Gedling)

Heather Harding


Mohson Hussain (Police, Sgt, Gedling South / NPT)

Mohson Hussain


Kenan McLaughlin (Police, PCSO, Carlton NPT )

Kenan Mclaughlin


Lisa McNeill (Police, PC, Carlton)

Lisa Mcneill


Saara Nawaz (NPT, PC, Carlton / GEDLING)

Saara Nawaz


Tom Packer (Police, Police Constable, Gedling South)

Tom Packer

Police Constable

Trevor Parkinson (Police, PCSO, Carlton NPT)

Trevor Parkinson


Edward Richardson (Nottinghamshire Police, Police Community Support Officer, Carlton Police Station Gedling South)

Edward Richardson

Police Community Support Officer

Mark Stanley (Nottinghamshire Police, Inspector, Gedling)

Mark Stanley


Mark Szeremeta (Law, Police Constable, Gedling Neighbourhood Team)

Mark Szeremeta

Police Constable

Local Priority Issues

Gedling Borough Priorities – April - June 2025


Through analysis of crime, consultation with partners in our Multi agency Problem Solving meeting, the PCC crime survey, and feedback from our community, we have identified the following policing priorities for the next three months.



There are currently no concerning burglary trends in Gedling; however, it is priority due to the detrimental impact it has on its victims and their quality of life.  The local NPT teams will therefore be allocating additional time to focusing on repeat offenders and hot spot areas as early as possible to ensure we maximise investigation opportunities and prosecutions, which ultimately leads to victims’ satisfaction and reassurance.  High visibility patrols, covert operations, pop up beat surgeries and taking positive action against the offenders will be the main focus of the coming months.


Shop theft:

There has been a significant increase in shop thefts over the last few months, leading to it being nominated as a priority to allow time to address this and reduce the reports. The NPT teams will be conducting additional patrols, proactive days of action to deter and promote awareness of the problem along with working towards Criminal Behaviour Orders for the most prolific offenders. These orders can include conditions such as banning offenders from carrying bags for life, banning them from certain stores and areas as well as positive conditions such as seeking rehabilitative treatment. Breach of a Criminal Behaviour Order is an arrestable offence and will see the offender put back before the Magistrates Court.



This remains a priority to enable to team to continue with the work that they have been doing in the local area, identifying and warning prolific beggars as well as signposting them to support and considering their welfare needs as well as the impact on the community. There is already an operation in place with a clear escalation process in relation to dealing with beggars, but this will expand to consider cross border offending and more information sharing with partners to find a longer term solution to the problem. 

What members in Porchester are saying are the issues in the area:

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Upcoming Events

Beat Surgery
  • St James Church, Marshall Hill Drive, NG3 6FY
  • 08/05/2025 10:45
  • Add to calendar

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