In the early hours of 20/02/2025 on Berry Hill Road, Mansfield an unknown person has conducted an untidy search in a unlocked vehicle. Luckily nothing was stolen on this occasion.
We are keen to inform residents to take precautions with their vehicle, making sure they are locking them overnight and utilising any extra security measures: There are some simple but effective things you can do to help protect your vehicle: Drivers of some Toyota and Honda vehicles and some 4 x 4’s should install measures to deter theft of catalytic converts e.g Catloc | Catalytic Convertor Theft Protection
Further security tips and crime prevention advice can be found on the Crime prevention advice | Nottinghamshire Police and on the Neighbourhood Watch website.
If you would like to contact your local policing team, visit the Your area section of our website. PC 4555 Lloyd | ||||
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