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Hello from the Broxtowe Borough Neighbourhood Policing Team Inspector.

Current Priorities

1.Eastwood South ASB (Jan-Mar)
Op Platter relates to concerns around ASB, assaults, hate crime and criminal damage offences. These issues have been raised as a priority by partners and the public for Eastwood. Operation Platter patrols have been conducted due to a couple of reports of ASB being caused along the Nottingham Road area. Police are working with local partners to share information so appropriate action can be taken with those individuals involved.

2. Licensed Premises –(Jan-Mar)
There has been concerns raised around licensed premises across the area. This relates to non-compliance from some licensed premises. This has included selling of knives, cigarettes, vapes and alcohol to underage persons. Non-compliance of CCTV cameras requirements. Police have carried out visits to licensed premises across the Broxtowe Neighbourhood Policing area. Officers have spoken to staff to offer crime prevention advice and support. NPT has been conducting night time economy patrols to support local businesses and keep members of the community safe.

Hotspot patrols

Operation Wheelspin
NPT and the Road Crime Team were deployed as part of the force wide Operation Wheelspin in January. Officers carried out covert and overt patrols. We can confirm there was a reduction in the number of calls to police about car cruising. NPT has also noted there were less vehicles arriving for car cruising at the Toton Park and Ride site, which is a positive result. Op Wheelspin will continue in February.

Operation Shrinkage
NPT are acting on shoplifting offences. Our aim is to reduce theft from shops by taking robust positive action against those that repeatedly offend. Actions will include arrests, diverting offenders to support services, considering Criminal Behaviour Orders and taking action when CBOs are breached.

Thank you

Usha Madaraa
Neighbourhood Policing Inspector

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Message Sent By
Usha Madaraa
(Nottinghamshire Police, Inspector, Broxtowe NPA, Beeston and Eastwood areas)

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