The Police
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Positive action has been taken by police now a group have been identified as involved in last week’s incidents and previous problems across the area.
The individuals were identified by the local Neighbourhood officers after we managed to link them to a East Leake shop on the night of the issues. We obtained CCTV from the store as the manager was very keen to assist police.
We were then assisted by the Academy in identifying the group who have all now been visited and their parents made aware of their involvement. All involved have been issued with Anti-social behaviour warning letters in relation to their behaviour in an around the village.
All parents were very supportive of the police action and the youths spoken to so far got a bit of a wake-up call that we as the police had been able to identify them.

It is suspected that the group identified are involved in most but possibly not all of the local ASB issues and we hope that any not identified and spoken to will get the message from the ones that have. The community, school, and the police won’t stand for this and moving forward we will do all we can to identify any repeat offenders and take positive action.

Moving forward East Leake is now highlighted as a hotspot for ASB in particular, Manor Farm Meadow, Winchester Close and the leisure centre and as such a patrol plan has been put in place for officers to pay attention so all calls should be treated as a priority so that you can again feel safe in your own homes.
To report any concerns or offence please call 999/101 or if you have information of others involved you can report this online and it will be passed to local officers.

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Message Sent By
Kelly Carlile
(Nottinghamshire Police, PC, Rushcliffe)

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