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Do you know how to report a hate crime?

We take hate crime seriously. You can report it directly to us and get support making your report.

If it is an emergency, call 999. For example, if there is an immediate danger to life, someone is using violence or threatening to be violent, or if a crime is happening right now and the suspect is still on the scene. 

Hate crime can fall into one of three main types: physical assault, verbal abuse and incitement to hatred, based on race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, transgender identity, misogyny, or alternative sub-culture. 

  • Physical assault – Physical assault of any kind is an offence.
  • Verbal abuse – Verbal abuse, threats or name-calling can be a common and extremely unpleasant experience for minority groups.
  • Incitement to hatred – The offence of incitement to hatred occurs when someone acts in a way that is threatening and intended to stir up hatred. That could be in words, pictures, videos, music, and includes information posted on websites.
  • You can also report non-crime hate incidents. These are any incidents where a crime has not been committed, but where it is perceived by the reporting person or any other person that the incident was motivated by hostility or prejudice based on: race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, transgender identity, misogyny, or alternative sub-culture. 

    By reporting hate crimes and non-crime hate incidents (NCHIs) you enable us to build an accurate picture of hate in our communities. Recent changes in the law prevent us from recording some NCHIs on police crime recording systems. This does not mean that your information will not be useful in identifying trends and patterns of behaviour. We can also refer you to support agencies such as Victim Care.

    If you need to report a hate crime, we are here to help. Please follow the link below on how to report a hate crime:

    How to report hate crime | Nottinghamshire Police

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    Sam Hunt
    (Nottinghamshire Police, Digital Development Officer, Nottinghamshire)

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