Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner
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Have your say on new Police and Crime Plan

PCC Gary Godden with PC Sophie Elsom

People across Nottinghamshire are being urged to take a unique chance to influence the future of policing, crime prevention and victim support services over the next five years.


Nottinghamshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner Gary Godden today opened a public consultation his new Police and Crime Plan.


The key pillars of Commissioner Godden’s draft proposals include putting victims and communities first, strengthening our work with partner agencies and ensuring effective and resilient policing.


Members of our diverse communities across Nottinghamshire are now being asked for their views on what issues should be prioritised, including greater visibility and access to neighbourhood policing, tackling serious violence including knife crime, and better support for victims of crime.


We are also asking people to help us share the message to allow as many people as possible to have their say.


Make sure your voice is heard by visiting https://forms.office.com/e/HrV42QRArL to fill in our questionnaire before September 2.


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Message Sent By
Jon Robinson
(OPCC, Head of Communications and Engagement, Nottinghamshire)

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