Trading Standards
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Reports of doorknockers in Rainworth area.

Nottinghamshire County Council Trading Standards Service have received reports of traders operating in the Rainworth area, knocking on doors and informing residents that they have loose ridge tiles on their roof. 


This is a tactic often used by rogue traders; they insist you need work doing on your home, which is often not necessary and will be charged at an inflated price.


Never agree to work on the doorstep, and don’t be tempted by ‘today only’ offers - this is pressure selling. 


Trading Standards recommend that if you are looking for a tradesperson, you can ask your friends and family for recommendations, or you can obtain free ‘pre-shopping advice’ by contacting the Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 0808 223 1133. Alternatively, you can find approved traders on Buy with Confidence https://www.buywithconfidence.gov.uk/


If you concerned about any work you have had done, or you are worried about unwanted callers at your door, contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 0808 223 1133.


Door stickers advising callers that you will not engage with them or buy at the door are available free of charge from Trading Standards here: 

Get a 'no uninvited callers' sign for your door | Nottinghamshire County Council

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Message Sent By
Mary Cartwright
(Nottinghamshire County Council Trading Standards Service, Trading Standards Officer, Nottinghamshire)

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